Viticultural Record2011 Farming Practices
2011 On the heels of the difficult 2010 growing season, 2011 brought forth its own unique set of challenges in the vineyard. Late and abundant rainfall was followed by a long and temperate summer growing season, inducing vigorous canopy growth that required repeated thinning passes by hand crews in order to ensure necessary air flow to the fruit.
While the growing season was long and cool, without any periods of extreme heat, the harvest year was punctuated by rainfall in early October, prior to the Cabernet fruit being fully mature. Meticulous canopy management and fruit thinning at the close of the season, combined with optimal growing conditions through late October, brought forward a crop of exceptional balance at reduced brix levels.
2011 saw the introduction of two new bee colonies and the expansion of our insectiaries at Vine Hill Ranch, as well as continued management of our creek restoration on Hopper Creek along our southern boundary.
The Phillips Family was awarded the Napa Valley Grapegrowers’ prestigious Grower of the Year award in recognition of our commitment to sustainable viticultural practices and contributions to the Napa Valley community.